Robert Fitts has shared with me an early version of a manuscript he is working on called "Rethinking Church." He is the author of "The Church in the House."
I'm not sure what his ultimate intention for this manuscript is, so I don't want to publish much of it at this point. But here is one paragraph of his introduction:
The following forty trends are only a part of what God is doing in the earth today to bring the Church, the Body of Christ, out of traditionalism, institutionalism, and commercialism back to the dynamic simplicity of the early church.
Robert then goes on to list and discuss these 40 trends. Here are just a few of the trends he addresses:
- From the sanctuaries to the street . . . doing the works of Jesus wherever we find a need.
- From Christianity to Christ . . . not a philosophy or a system, but Christ in you, living out his life through you.
- From hierarchy to servant leaders . . . recognizing that the great ones are those who wash feet.
- From denominations to Spirit-led networks . . . identifying with the whole Body of Christ.
- From performance by professionals to I Corinthians 14:26 meetings . . . doing your part in the meetings.
This is a mere sample of some wonderful writing. I will share more with you as I spend more time with the paper and make sure that it's alright to publish it here.